The best Arbitrum network tokens Uniswap, Lido DAO, and Gnosis lead the way, revolutionizing DeFi with innovative solutions.
Current price: $13.21
Market cap:$8.02B
Uniswap is an open-source, noncustodial trading protocol in the decentralized trading of DeFi tokens. Launched in 2018, quite simplistic and friendly user interface and it has been growing fast and quite adapt at finding quite innovative ways of addressing this problem of liquidity. Uniswap issues its governance token, UNI, for giving every user the right to vote in making decisions, aimed at the involvement of users and further decentralization of control over token trading.
Current price:$1.86
Market cap:$1.7B
Lido DAO offers liquid staking, an important function for the Ethereum chain. ETH holders can lock their Ethereum and, in return, get a representation in the form of stETH, which also contains the rewards. This liquid staking solution enables holders to earn staking rewards, and at the same time, they can trade or use their stETH, which increases versatility in the DeFi space. Lido DAO has a decentralized form of governance whereby decisions such as updates, new additions and integrations, and general strategies are all voted on by the holders of LDO. While initially supporting multiple networks, Lido has now concentrated its staking solutions on Ethereum and Polygon, recently sunsetting support for Solana.
Current price: $245.03
Market cap: $636.07
Gnosis ($GNO) has recently attracted much interest because of a product that offers prediction markets, which can appeal to those interested in betting and forecasting in a decentralized manner. Based on the Ethereum platform, Gnosis is designed to offer platforms for deploying many applications that depend on blockchain's forecasting properties. Gnosis's high Galaxy Score is owed to its community-centric network, a safe Gnosis Chain, and the growing Gnosis Ecosystem, now encompassing Gnosis Studio and GnosisVC for venture building in DeFi.