Assemble AI Signs News Data Supply Agreement with Binance

By Assemble AI
3 months ago

Following the successful launch of its AI news agent News3 (NS3.AI), Assemble AI is significantly enhancing global access to information within the crypto ecosystem.News3 is expanding its news network by collaborating with various crypto-related companies and offering all news data via APIs, providing real-time news data to crypto exchanges and related businesses.

Today, Assemble AI is thrilled to announce the first major milestone of News3.The company has officially signed a news data supply agreement with Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, and is now delivering real-time news data directly to the Binance platform. Through this partnership, Binance users can access highly reliable, real-time news provided by News3 (NS3.AI).

This collaboration marks a significant milestone in the commercialization of News3's API-based news data services. Starting with Binance, Assemble AI is actively pursuing additional partnerships with global exchanges and blockchain companies, laying the groundwork for further expansion of the global ecosystem.

Assemble AI remains committed to broadening the reach of News3's data supply through partnerships with global leaders, delivering a trusted crypto news experience to even more users.

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