BLOKTOPIA - Developer Diaries #32

By Bloktopia
7 months ago

Hot Topic: Beta Test across multiple operating systems and showcasing real-time content feeds!

Developer Diaries aim to give a transparent view to our community on how the build of Bloktopia is progressing. We value your loyalty and passion for our project, and we will be sharing as much information as we can about 1 specific feature — hopefully at the end of each week!

We will continue to work in an agile manner, and will be adapting and optimising our roadmap continuously. That is the nature of building a metaverse. Some things we share here might not ever come to fruition, but our goal will be to set clear expectations and communicate with you all about the upcoming roadmap and priorities.

This weekly Developer Diary update focuses on the latest Beta test across M3TASPACES.

In line with our recently released 2024 roadmap, today we conducted a community test to evaluate new features added to the “Final Testing” section.

The primary focus of today’s test was to assess the new systems we have implemented to pull real-world content into Bloktopia in real time, along with testing MacOS devices. Today’s test was a success in terms of testing our content ingestion and displaying for users, with over 1000 users joining across multiple instances during our short testing period.

Here, we delve into some of the exciting new features that were part of today’s test!

News Feeds

These were placed in the M3TASPACES environment and pull information from various crypto-related websites in real-time. As companies update news sources such as RSS feeds, the information is pulled inside Bloktopia and presented to users. Users can browse the articles and view headlines.

Token Tickers

To help crypto enthusiasts stay connected to the markets, token tickers for your favourite tokens can now be placed around the world. They can show multiple tokens, displaying data across different time frames- in short, anything you’d need to know about a tokens prices over time, it can display it. This was just the first of the token tickers we have created and we look forward to showing our more interactive and fleshed out token tickers in the near future!

Twitch/YouTube Streams

In Bloktopia, users will engage in content consumption as one of their core activities. To kick things off, we’ve integrated features allowing users to watch videos and live streams from prominent influencers and content creators, both inside and outside the world of crypto.

Just during the testing time alone, over 30 hours of YouTube and Twitch videos were watched in total by users who joined!

The videos and live streams can be changed and in future will relate to the room, brand or theme you are visiting within the Metaverse. This keeps the experience consistent and relevant to where you are at all times!

Mac Build

Today during the community test we were also joined by members of our Mac testing group. This marks the conclusion of a week-long testing period for the Mac-specific group, during which users participated in a large-scale test.

We want to give a special thanks to all of our dedicated Mac testers who joined and supported throughout the week. We are on track for delivering Mac to the public in the near future!

What’s Next?

In conclusion, today’s test was a resounding success. We were thrilled to see users interacting across various operating devices, truly bringing our vision of “access to all” to life. As with any test, we encountered a few expected bugs, but rest assured, our team is set to work on these immediately.

This test was just a glimpse of what’s to come. As hinted at in our 2024 roadmap, we have a lot more in store. We’re not stopping here. As we get closer to opening the doors to Bloktopia, stay tuned for even more exciting updates coming soon.

About Bloktopia

Bloktopia is a VR skyscraper made up of 21 floors to commemorate 21 million Bitcoin. It will act as a central hub and welcome all levels of crypto experience. For the first time ever, users will have access to crypto information and immersive content all in one place.

Learn, Earn, Play and Create.

Educate yourself in the basics of crypto or engage in more advanced learning from some of the world leading minds in the industry, earn revenue through real estate ownership & advertising, play games with friends, build networks and much more.

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