BLOKTOPIA - Developer Diaries #33

By Bloktopia
6 months ago

Hot Topic: AI comes to Bloktopia!

Developer Diaries aim to give a transparent view to our community on how the build of Bloktopia is progressing. We value your loyalty and passion for our project, and we will be sharing as much information as we can about 1 specific feature — hopefully at the end of each week!

We will continue to work in an agile manner, and will be adapting and optimising our roadmap continuously. That is the nature of building a metaverse. Some things we share here might not ever come to fruition, but our goal will be to set clear expectations and communicate with you all about the upcoming roadmap and priorities.

This weekly Developer Diary update focuses on AI, a hot topic in the crypto world has come to Bloktopia!


Introducing BLOK-E: your helpful AI guide within Bloktopia!

BLOK-E chat AI bot will be located within the Bloktopia virtual HQ

What is BLOK-E?

BLOK-E is powered by OpenAI and has access to an ever expanding knowledge base about Bloktopia. Users will be able to talk to BLOK-E to get detailed information about Bloktopia. This includes information ranging from how to buy and stake $BLOK, right across to whats going on across Bloktopia on a day to day basis.

BLOK-E will also be available to our partner base to help out within their stores or virtual HQ’s. Working in the same way as BLOK-E in the Bloktopia store, users will be able to walk up to chat AI bots and get any information they require specifically on the partner’s virtual HQ that they are in. Users will be rest assured that the information is correct and coming from a trusted source being in Bloktopia.

How will BLOK-E work?

BLOK-E’s knowledge base comes in the form of a document containing questions and answers. The configuration of the knowledge base is straightforward and easy to customise for each instance, enabling BLOK-E’s knowledge base and personality to be easily adapted to different scenarios (such as being housed in a partner’s virtual HQ).

Leveraging OpenAIs API, Blok-E currently has two modes, FAQ and Chat. Both modes leverage OpenAI’s API.

While in FAQ mode BLOK-E will aim to answer any questions posed to them. To accomplish this BLOK-E will cross check information in their knowledge base, provided by a users and respond as best they can.

BLOK-E’s chat mode is much more general and less information driven, focusing on providing and continuing a conversation to enhance users virtual experience!

In this mode BLOK-E has access to the same information that ChatGPT, along with the knowledge of who and where they are. This allows us to create a more immersive experience within Bloktopia. In both modes, BLOK-E’s personality and idiolect can be modified by changing the instructional prompt used as the base of the AI. This can be advantageous as it allows for variety in conversations and experiences adding to the immersion!

We are sure users will find him helpful and fun to talk to and BLOK-E is looking forward to chatting to you soon!

About Bloktopia

Bloktopia is a VR skyscraper made up of 21 floors to commemorate 21 million Bitcoin. It will act as a central hub and welcome all levels of crypto experience. For the first time ever, users will have access to crypto information and immersive content all in one place.

Learn, Earn, Play and Create.

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