DeFi Gets a Boost in Asia as Pyth Price Feeds Land on Kaia

By The Crypto Times
2 months ago

Pyth Price Feeds have been successfully integrated into Kaia, a newly optimized, BFT-based public blockchain. This integration comes hot on the heels of the merger between Klaytn and Finschia under the banner of ‘Project Dragon’, positioning Kaia as a major player in Asia’s emerging Web3 ecosystem.

Pyth Price Feeds are renowned for their accuracy and ability to deliver real-time data on everything from digital currencies to stocks and bonds. With this integration, developers building on Kaia now have access to a constant stream of data feeds exceeding 500, empowering them to create cutting-edge DeFi applications that can handle information and transactions with exceptional speed.

Experts believe this integration will be a major catalyst for the development of a robust and reliable DeFi ecosystem on Kaia. Real-time access to accurate market data is essential for building trustworthy and scalable DeFi applications, ensuring that Kaia can support a high volume of financial transactions.

Dr. Sam Seo, Representative Director of the Klaytn Foundation commented, “Pyth’s high-performance, extensive, and granular price feeds will be a key component in the creation of a vibrant and diverse DeFi ecosystem, while also unlocking greater creative possibilities for builders to innovate on Kaia.”

The launch of Pyth Price Feeds on Kaia is part of a larger trend of advancements in the DeFi space. Following the merger that created Kaia, the platform is set to integrate over 420 DeFi applications and services, including major messaging apps Kakao and LINE. This opens the door to a potential user base of 250 million across Asia.

The integration offers several advantages that make it easier and faster for developers to build DeFi applications on Kaia, thanks to its one-second block generation with immediate finality.  This is significantly faster than traditional financial systems and even other blockchain platforms. Imagine sending money on Kaia – it’s like tapping your credit card.

Another advantage of Kaia is its scalability. The platform can handle a high volume of transactions at once, making it ideal for busy DeFi applications. This is achieved through Kaia’s ability to process up to 4,000 transactions per second, comparable to a highway with many lanes.

Furthermore, Kaia boasts significantly lower transaction fees compared to Ethereum, the current leader in blockchain platforms. This makes it a more economical option for both developers and users. Think of it like paying less for gas when using your car.

Finally, Kaia is designed to be user-friendly for developers. The platform guarantees Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) equivalence, allowing developers familiar with Ethereum to easily switch to Kaia and leverage Pyth’s price feeds without needing to learn a new development environment. It’s like switching between two different apps on your phone that basically do the same thing.

With the deployment of Pyth Price Feeds, Kaia is well-positioned to expand its on-chain capabilities and support the development of a vibrant DeFi ecosystem. The collaboration between Pyth Network and Kaia is expected to drive innovation and adoption in the blockchain space.

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