Former Ethereum Advisor Sued Hlady for Being a Con FBI Agent

5 months ago

Steven Nerayoff of Ethereum filed a lawsuit against Michael Hlady and Marianna Shooshani in the Court of New York.

Nerayoff claims that Hlady posed as a former government agent with the FBI and CIA and used that lie to convince Nerayoff to pay his company. It ended up leading to significant financial loss. The lawsuit alleges that Hlady and Shooshani conned Nerayoff out of over 750k dollars through a non-existent consulting service. 

Story Started Long back in December 2017

Shooshani introduced Nerayoff to Hlady in December 2017. Hlady posed as a former government agent with claimed affiliations to the NSA, FBI, and CIA. From January to October 2018, Nerayoff paid NSV several hundred thousand dollars. 

However, these payments were made based on invoices and requests presented by Hlady and Shooshani, which were meant to cover consulting fees and miscellaneous expenses.

The turning point in this story occurred in November 2018 when Nerayoff discovered that NSV did not exist. Moreover, Hlady was a convicted felon, recently released from prison after defrauding a Catholic school. The complaint highlights Nerayoff’s dismay and sense of betrayal upon discovering the truth.

Nerayoff Expressed his Satisfaction

Nerayoff has expressed his satisfaction with the fact that justice is finally being served against Michael Hlady, a government agent who collaborated with FBI agents and others to prosecute him unjustly for nearly four years.

Nerayoff has already taken legal action against FBI agents StormX and Hlady. He stated that he is committed to holding all accountable for their actions, including uncovering every bit of corruption involved in #EthGate, implying that there may be more legal developments to follow.

Nerayoff has filed claims against Hlady and Shooshani for creating and promoting a fictitious entity named North Star Ventures Corp. (“NSV”). The complaint outlines that the defendants presented NSV as a team of ex-government operatives who could provide security and business vetting services to Nerayoff’s blockchain ventures.

What Do the Court Documents State

Court documents state that Hlady and Shooshani created a fake consultancy firm called North Star Ventures Corp. (“NSV”) that supposedly provided specialized consulting services to Nerayoff. 

The plaintiff is known for his contributions to the Ethereum ICO protocols and his leadership at Alchemist Group LLC, a consultancy and investment firm for blockchain companies.

Nerayoff’s legal team has presented a multi-faceted legal strategy seeking the recovery of the funds paid to Hlady and Shooshani, along with additional damages. 

The severity of the defendants’ actions is underscored by the lawsuit, which includes several causes of action, such as fraudulent inducement and common law fraud.


Nerayoff is taking legal action against Hlady for posing as a former government agent and convincing him to pay his company several hundred thousand dollars. The lawsuit includes claims of fraudulent inducement and common law fraud. Nerayoff is committed to holding all accountable for their actions and uncovering every bit of corruption involved in #EthGate.


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