On Dec. 4, 2024, PancakeSwap launched a no-code platform called SpringBoard to simplify the PancakeSwap ecosystem’s token development and launch process. It enables you to easily develop, modify and distribute tokens regardless of your level of technical expertise. PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) on the BNB Smart Chain.
Issuing tokens on PancakeSwap used to be a complex process, requiring projects to hire blockchain developers with coding expertise and to carry out intricate audits. SpringBoard offers a solution with a user-friendly interface that enables you to specify advanced tokenomics, such as burn rates or staking rewards. You can also set specifications such as the token’s name, symbol and total supply without writing a single line of code.
The platform facilitates the immediate creation of liquidity pools and direct token trading on PancakeSwap. The no-code method lowers the entry hurdle and expedites token development, making it available to communities, content producers and entrepreneurs wishing to tokenize their initiatives.
It offers similar functionalities to launchpads on other blockchains, such as Pump.fun on Solana and Emojicon.fun on Aptos.
Did you know? The launch of SpringBoard coincides with a surge in demand for no-code token launchpads. Pump.fun, a Solana-based platform, saw its revenue skyrocket 207% in Nov. 2024, jumping from $30.5 million to $93.9 million.
Springboard’s comprehensive toolkit facilitates the issuance of tokens. On a single platform, you can create tokens, set up liquidity, and enable trading. The platform offers developers freedom by supporting a range of token pair alternatives, including coins like BNB (BNB), Tether’s USDt (USDT) and PancakeSwap (CAKE).
Here is a step-by-step process of token creation on SpringBoard:
Go to PancakeSwap SpringBoard and connect your wallet to the BNB Chain. SpringBoard supports MetaMask and Trust Wallet. Transfer enough BNB to your wallet to cover transaction fees (~0.001 BNB) and any further liquidity needs.
Click “Create Token.”
Here are a few extra options you can specify on the PancakeSwap SpringBoard:
Did you know? Binance Launchpad raised $212,784,705 of funds with 5,980,023 unique participants on Dec. 17, 2024. The platform has $1,170,162,774 currently locked.
To create your token, click the “Create Token” button and confirm the transaction in your connected wallet.
Once your token is launched, it is open for trading on PancakeSwap SpringBoard using a bonding curve mechanism. This means that the price of the token will automatically adjust based on supply and demand. As more tokens are purchased, the price will gradually increase. A 1% trading fee, with a minimum of 0.001 BNB, will apply to each trade.
When the liquidity for your token reaches 100% on SpringBoard, which is approximately 24 BNB by default, tokens are locked in GoPlusLabs, a third-party platform. This creates a system where even PancakeSwap cannot access or remove the liquidity pool.
After the liquidity is locked, the “seeding” process begins. This involves automatically pairing the raised funds and project tokens in a PancakeSwap v3 pool. A 2% liquidity seeding fee will be charged, with half going to the token creator and the other half to PancakeSwap SpringBoard. Once the seeding process is complete, users can trade the token directly on PancakeSwap.
PancakeSwap SpringBoard has an intuitive interface designed to enable token creation without coding knowledge. It facilitates the accelerated launch of tokens with a simplified process. Here are the key features of the platform:
Did you know? Polkastarter is a low-cost platform designed for crosschain token bids and pools. Blockchains it supports include Ethereum, BNB Smart Chain, Polygon, Celo and Avalanche.
PancakeSwap SpringBoard is a no-code platform for launching tokens, making it simpler than projects like Pump.fun and Snek.fun. Unlike these platforms, SpringBoard connects directly with PancakeSwap’s ecosystem, offering better liquidity, trading support and security. Its easy-to-use interface is ideal for non-technical users, compared to Pump.fun’s more complex setup.
SpringBoard also focuses on community engagement, benefiting from PancakeSwap’s popularity, while Snek.fun targets niche markets. This makes SpringBoard a versatile option for a wide range of token projects.
Here’s how it compares with Pump.fun and Snek.fun:
By simplifying token launches for creators and fostering innovation, PancakeSwap SpringBoard will take the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem a level up. Eliminating the technical barriers associated with token creation enables a wide range of users to participate in the DeFi space.
Thanks to seamless integration with PancakeSwap’s ecosystem, SpringBoard ensures instant access to robust liquidity, secure trading and a large user base. This accessibility brings more projects and users, boosting liquidity and activity in DeFi.
SpringBoard’s emphasis on security and simplicity builds trust, encouraging wider adoption. Its community-driven model helps projects connect with PancakeSwap’s large audience, increasing visibility and growth. By enabling users to launch tokens easily, SpringBoard promotes inclusivity, innovation and scalability, shaping the future of decentralized finance. However, the full impact of SpringBoard on DeFi is yet to be seen.