SWEAT achieves 30% reduction in $SWEAT minting following tokenomics DAO upgrade

By SweatEconomy
27 days ago

Over 150K+ users voted in the latest DAO Proposal. What has it achieved?

TL:DR, 30.74% average decrease in minted $SWEAT per week!


Redefining $SWEAT’s Minting Window

We’re all about getting you moving and earning for your efforts. After listening to the community feedback about $SWEAT Minting Window, we put a huge proposal forward.

Here’s how we got here.

Now let’s get to the results:


Vote Outcome

  • 70% (108K) voted to change the Minting Window
  • 30% (46K) voted to stay the same
  • A total of 154,145 Unique Voters in just two weeks!

As a result, we hope that this Minting Window change motivates our users to take those extra steps!


How does this affect the ecosystem?

The biggest question we’ve been getting is what has changed since the minting window upgrade: has more or less $SWEAT been minted since the Minting Window shift?

Let’s go back a bit.

$SWEAT is minted by your movement, specifically, your steps! By shifting the minting window and only minting $SWEAT after 3,000 steps, we projected that we’d see a 30% decrease in the amount of $SWEAT minted.

You can check out the full proposal and results here.

As you know, crypto supplies are a hot topic — If the amount of $SWEAT minted decreases, that means there is less $SWEAT supply emissions each week.

To project a 30% decrease in projected minting emissions, we looked at a number of factors such as:

  • Amount of Actively Minting Users
  • Current Minting Difficulty (Per $SWEAT)
  • Amount of steps taken per user

So of course, we knew that the actual number of minted $SWEAT could fluctuate.


Tokenomics Win!

Before the new Minting Window came fully into action on August 1st, 2024, the collective SWEAT community minted ~9M $SWEAT each week on average.

Now, let’s take a look at the current figures.

  • Week 1: 6,211,637.35 $SWEAT
  • Week 2: 6,253,866.41 $SWEAT

Just two weeks in and we’re already at a 30.74% decrease in minted $SWEAT per week on average, which is exactly what the projected data showed would occur!

A major win by the SWEAT community.


Got any questions? Don’t hesitate to head to our Discord to chat with David, our Head of Community.

The Sweat Team

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