Vitalik Buterin Backs ERC-7683 Proposal for Cross-Chain Trade Execution

By The Crypto Times
about 1 month ago

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has backed the newly proposed standard ERC-7683 that plans to enhance cross-chain trade execution. This proposal is a joint work of Uniswap Labs and Across Protocol to work towards improving the cross-chain asset transfer, a step to works towards improving blockchain integration in DeFi.

The ERC-7683 proposal introduces a unified framework designed to streamline the process of cross-chain transactions. Presently, users face challenges when transferring assets between various blockchains, such as Polygon and Base, due to the lack of a consistent structure. 

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The new standard addresses these issues by establishing a more reliable and efficient method for executing cross-chain orders.

Buterin has been vocal about his endorsement of ERC-7683, describing it as an “open standard for marking cross-chain orders.” He elaborated on its functionality, explaining that the proposal includes a mechanism for securely transferring assets from one blockchain to another. 

The ERC-7683 proposal also incorporates advanced features designed to improve the efficiency of cross-chain transactions. Notably, it includes mechanisms such as batching and Merkle proving, which are expected to reduce the complexity of these interactions. 

Furthermore, the proposal introduces the CrossChainOrder struct code, which simplifies the management of cross-chain orders by defining essential parameters in a standardized format.

Additionally, the standard outlines the use of a new smart contract interface called ISettlementContract. This interface is designed to make the cross-chain trading more efficient by making all the cross-chain orders to have the same structure. 

This proposal is now available for public discussion on the Ethereum Magicians forum, and lots of people are interested in the ERC-7683. The feedback that will be gathered during this review process will go along way in defining the final version of the standard. 

In a related event, Buterin has recently moved 3,000 Ether to a new multisignature wallet; it equivalent to over $8 million. This step raised some concerns among the community members and some believed that it was meant to be donated for an important cause, as yet unknown. 

With increasing development in the blockchain environment the proposition of the ERC-7683 can be regarded as a pivotal step in building the need for enhanced interconnection between the decentralized networks. It is in its early stages, but with continued support from Buterin and the community, it has the potential to become a crucial standard for DeFi in the future.

Also Read: Vitalik Buterin Warns Against Blindly Supporting “Pro-Crypto” Politicians

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